Ancillary Studies
Researcher: Shérazade Kinouani

Two studies were conducted on e-cigarette use:
1- CIG ELEC is an online cohort to describe the use of e-cigarette in relation to tobacco consumption to the use of tobacco (2800 students who completed a self-administered questionnaire every 6 months between 2016 and 2017);
2- Electra-Share is a mixed-methods study to understand trajectories in the use of e-cigarettes, comprising an online questionnaire and a field study by a questionnaire among 200 students and individual interviews or focus groups of 30 students.

Prevention and health promotion through the Internet and mobile apps.
The 2 following studies use online videos, SMS, and mobile apps.
1- INFORMED (INternet-based programs FOR stress reduction and suicide prevention in MEDical students) is a study of prevention of suicidal ideation by targeting stress and lifestyle, using online videos and SMSs (2544 medical students and interns who tested two methods).
Researcher: Marie Tournier
2- LEARN (Littératie chez les Etudiants via une Application smartphone: Réalisation et évaluatioN) is a study that aims to create and assess a mobile application which would be built together with students. It also aims to create and test strategies in order to boost the use of the mobile application (gaming, auto-assessment, etc.).
Researchers: Ilaria Montagni – Mélissa Macalli
Researcher: Elisabeth Delarocque-Astagneau

A trial whose aim was to determine whether early screening and treatment of 4000 young women (18 to 24 years old) for genital Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct) infection reduces the incidence of PID over 24 months.
Researcher: Elise Arrivé

A study which aims to estimate the prevalence of dental illnesses, evaluate dental health knowledge and behavior and students’ needs in this domain, and evaluate the association between gingival inflammation and obesity in line with tobacco and alcohol consumption and perceived stress. 3426 students answered an online questionnaire and 249 students had a clinical examination.
Researcher: Nicolas Glaichenhaus

A trial whose aim was to determine whether early screening and treatment of 4000 young women (18 to 24 years old) for genital Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct) infection reduces the incidence of PID over 24 months.

Researcher: Stéphanie Debette
Illustration and assessment of retina and brain microvascular markers in order to identify possible early structural brain alterations in young adults.
Researcher: Marie Tournier
Assessing the interest and acceptability among medical students of two complementary stress-reduction programs.
Researcher: Nicolas Glaichenhaus
Vaccine coverage and its determinants in students.
Researcher: Massimiliano Orri
Association of parental/sibling death and parental illness with young adult mental health and functioning in the i-Share student cohort.
IP3S (Internet-based Programs for Stress reduction and Suicide prevention in students)
Researcher: Marie Tournier
Assessing the interest and acceptability among students of two complementary stress-reduction programs.
The i-Share study aims to support the training of public health students from Master programs through to PhD. See their research subjects below:
- Study of the association between psychoactive substances and ADHD in i-Share students (Cédric Galera)
- Sleep health and its association with mental health (Christophe Tzourio)
- Dietary patterns of French students: the i-Share cohort (Cécilia Samieri)
- Nutrition and structural and functional markers in brain imaging in young adults (Cécilia Samieri)
- Determinants of contraceptive use and abortion among students (Jérôme Wittwert)
- Self-esteem of students and its determinants and consequences (Julie Arsandaux)
- Student mental health and its consequences on severe psychological risk factors and academic success (Mélissa Macalli)
- Epidemiology of myopia in the French population through the i-Share cohort (Cécile Delcourt)
- Association between retinal nerve fiber thickness, brain volume and white matter microstructure (Catherine Helmer)
- Academic achievement and student physical activity (Réda Salamon / Julie Arsandaux)
- Brain volumes and alcohol consumption in young adults (Christophe Tzourio / Julie Arsandaux / Marianne Savès / Fabrice Crivello)