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research.i-share.fr is a publication of the University of Bordeaux.
Bât ISPED – Case 11
146 rue Léo Saignat
33076 Bordeaux cedex
Tel: +33 (0)557 571 308
Editorial director: Pr. Christophe Tzourio
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Design by Studio Bel-Camille
IT Development by Frédéric Saout ( 06 98 94 11 98)
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University of Bordeaux
Service CREDIM
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Tel: +33 (0)557 571 393
Information technology and civil liberties law (Loi informatique et libertés)
In accordance with the “information technology and civil liberties” (informatique et libertés) law of 6th January 1978, amended in 2004, as a member of the i-Share cohort you have the right to access and correct any information about yourself. You can exercise this right by contact the study’s lead researcher:
Professor Christophe Tzourio
Centre INSERM U1219 – Bordeaux Population Health
University of Bordeaux
Bât ISPED – Case 11
146 rue Léo Saignat
33076 Bordeaux cedex
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