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i-share Scientific Team
i-share scientific team : Fabrice CRIVELLO


Cognitive neuro-imaging researcher
CNRS - CEA - University of Bordeaux

Following university studies in signal and image processing, Fabrice Crivello joined the Neurofunctional Imaging Group (Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases – UMR 5293) and obtained a PhD in biological and medical engineering.

Research director at the Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), his works are at the interface between methodology in neuroimaging and research in cognitive neuroimaging and neuroepidemiology and are structured along two complementary axes.

The first concerns the development, implementation and distribution of automated procedures dedicated to the extraction of structural cerebral phenotypes. The second one concerns the study of these phenotypes in the context of the exploitation of large cerebral imaging cohorts.

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i-Share Study - Nouvelle Aquitaine
i-Share Study - Inserm
i-Share Study - Santé publique France
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